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Безкоштовний офісний пакет

LibreOffice 4: безкоштовний офісний пакет, про який наша спільнота мріяла 12 років.

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LibreOffice - один з найбільш дружніх та швидко зростаючих проектів у світі безкоштовного та відкритого програмного забезпечення.

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LibreOffice - це більше ніж програмне начиння. Це труд багатьох людей, сплетіння культур, творчий процес, поширення думок та спільна робота

Приєднуйся до нас сьогодні!

LibreOffice - це безкоштовне ПЗ з відкритим програмним кодом. Його розробка відкрита для нових талантів та нових ідей, а саме́ програмне забезпечення тестує і щоденно використовує величезна спільнота користувачів.

Calc Guide and Writer Guides available for browsing

The Documentation team just published the Calc Guide and Writer Guide as on-line pages in the Bookshelf at books.libreoffice.org Presented as web pages, the guides contents can now be accessed with your favorite browser and use the browser resources to navigate, bookmark and reference pages. Together with the PDF versions, the guides web pages can […]

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Community Member Monday: Kira Tubo

Tell us a bit about yourself! I live in San Jose, California, USA. I’ve lived around the Bay Area my whole life, after my parents moved away from the Philippines when I was about a year old. I have had experience as a CRM (customer relations management) administrator, which partially functioned sort of like an […]

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Calc Guide and Writer Guides available for browsing

The Documentation team just published the Calc Guide and Writer Guide as on-line pages in the Bookshelf at books.libreoffice.org Presented as web pages, the guides contents can now be accessed with your favorite browser and use the browser resources to navigate, bookmark and reference pages. Together with the PDF versions, the guides web pages can […]

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Community Member Monday: Kira Tubo

Tell us a bit about yourself! I live in San Jose, California, USA. I’ve lived around the Bay Area my whole life, after my parents moved away from the Philippines when I was about a year old. I have had experience as a CRM (customer relations management) administrator, which partially functioned sort of like an […]

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