
Writer has all the features you need from a modern, full-featured word processing and desktop publishing tool. It's simple enough for a quick memo, but powerful enough to create complete books with contents, diagrams, indexes, and more. You're free to concentrate on your message, while Writer will make it look great.
Your documents will never look as good as when they're made with LibreOffice. You can choose and apply fonts that are on your computer, set and customize styles for pretty much every part of your document. With the AutoCorrect dictionary you can trap typos and spelling mistakes on the fly. The AutoCorrect dictionary checks your spelling as you type (it's easy to deactivate if you want to). If you need to use different languages in your document, Writer can handle that, too.
Wizards takes all the hassle out of producing standard documents such as letters, faxes, agendas and minutes, and makes short work of more complex tasks such as mail merges. Type more efficiently with AutoComplete, which can suggest commonly-used words and phrases to complete what you started typing, using the built-in dictionary and by scanning the documents you open. Document templates are shipped by default : no need to create complex documents, we have them shipped for you!
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